Joycelin the Duck Queen

Joycelin had always been adventurous spirit. She spent her days exploring her neighborhood, playing pretend with her friends, and, of course, helping her parents with their Chinese restaurant.

One day, she decided to take a longer journey and explore a nearby park. She decided to take a walk around the pond and enjoy the nature.

As Joycelin walked around the pond, she noticed something strange. Hundreds of ducks came out of the water and began milling around her. She soon realized that the ducks were actually following her! She was overwhelmed and unsure of why this was happening, so she decided to keep walking.

The ducks kept close as she journeyed further and further into the park, until she stumbled upon a castle in the middle of some trees. Suddenly, one of the ducks quacked and began to spread its wings. Joycelin knew it was time.

She slowly approached the castle, and several more ducks started to rustle around in the courtyard. As she stepped inside, the castle lit up in a brilliant light. A voice boomed from everywhere and said, β€œJoycelin, you are the Duck Queen.”

Joycelin was confused, but she knew that she had finally found what she had been looking for. With the help of her duck court, Joycelin set out to protect her pond and the ducks that live in it. She also made sure to spend time helping her parents with their restaurant, but she always kept one eye on the pond, in case anything ever happened to her beloved ducks.

Published by: I Got Fired From Umbrella Corps.

Hello. I enjoy writing, playing horror games, drawing (even though I kinda suck) and going on pinterest.I often post brain rotting stuff so bare with me My favorite color is #a181a1 and #261212. I'm also a Resident Evil and silent hill fan. If any of these topics pique you interest (

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