Comment Here to Be Included in Classmate Stories!

Do you want a story about you ? All you have to do is post a comment under this writing your name and your stories idea and i might add it to your stories anyways bye and can’t wait to see all the ideas πŸ™‚

Published by: I Got Fired From Umbrella Corps.

Hello. I enjoy writing, playing horror games, drawing (even though I kinda suck) and going on pinterest.I often post brain rotting stuff so bare with me My favorite color is #a181a1 and #261212. I'm also a Resident Evil and silent hill fan. If any of these topics pique you interest (


8 thoughts on “Comment Here to Be Included in Classmate Stories!”

  1. Write something about me. I want you to make me the best fisherman in the whole world. thanks lol.

  2. Write story about Adam the stinky, bald, short, smurf please. he thinks he is better than me! We shall ally, my dearest friend.

  3. make a story about how my band coke babies went platinum and how we play full arena shows that sell out and go on world tours

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