End of Year Activities

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Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe, but the end of the year is here! Your child has worked so hard throughout this year and now it is time to wind down and celebrate! Many things will be happening the last week of school so here are some details FYI…

All Week
• No homework this week
• Students will be eating lunch outdoors.
• It is recommended that your child comes with a water bottle to stay hydrated, and maybe even sunblock and/or a hat on these warmer days.
• BCM/Uniform shirts are still expected, unless it is a specific theme day.
• Science Fair Boards and Mission Projects/Slideshow Rubrics will trickle home all week

Tuesday, June 6th
* Staff vs 6th grade Students in a Volleyball game – your child might want to wear sunblock, sunglasses and a hat as we will be outdoors for a good hour. Parents are welcome to come and play on the staff side! 
* Going west Buddy Game with Mrs. Aratoli’s Class
* Turn in supplies to Ms. Yanez – students will be charged for missing items

Wednesday, June 7th
* Staff vs 6th grade Students in a Basketball game – your child might want to wear sunblock, sunglasses and a hat as we will be outdoors for a good hour. Parents are welcome to come and play on the staff side! 
*Yogurt Parfait Party for Making Healthy Eating Choices this Year and to celebrate Summer Birthdays
*AR Final Prizes. Final points will be posted on the blog.
* We will have a garage sale. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure, right?!  Your child will be able to sell items (optional) to other students to earn some extra class money before our final auction. No more than what can fit on and around their desk. Please check the items your child intends to sell and give your approval. No candy, food or drinks please. Again, students should not come with real money to class. This is being sold for class money to earn for final auction.
* We will clean out our desks and send things home. Please send your child with an extra bag or an emptied backpack.

Thursday, June 8th
*Jacks and Marbles with 1st Grade Buddies
* Germy Ball with Mrs. Watts Class
* Moana or Trolls with Ms. Yanez or Mrs. Jhattu (Must have signed permission slip)

Friday, June 9th LAST DAY!
* Game day! Students can bring a game or two from home to share with classmates. This should be a card or board game. Please avoid electronic
items that only involve one or two people.
* Final Auction – Turn in class money
* Report Cards sent home (unless there are outstanding bills).
*Yearbook Signing
*Collected Items Returned
*Minimum Day – 12:30 Dismissal

Students: Vacation officially begins at 12:30! Have a wonderful break and the best wishes in fifth grade. Please spend some time reading daily, and log onto iReady and THINK Central to stay sharp over the summer. I will miss you all so please come back and visit!

Parents: I hope this information answers any questions you may have. You are welcome to stop by and join us for the celebrations of this year-end. Also feel free to call me at school if you have any questions 688-8586 x150 or e-mail me at Dpitteng@egusd.net. Thanks for a spectacular year together!

Ms. Yanez

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