Signed items this week

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Last week Ch 5 Multiple Choice and Free Response Tests were sent home.  Students had the opportunity to do re-do’s for additional credit. If your child received a D or F, I HIGHLY recommend they take advantage of that opportunity.  Not only will it boost their grade, but hopefully they can LEARN from their mistakes. I also sent home a cumulative Ch 1-4 Test. They may also complete re-do’s for this test by Friday. If they have forgotten the material, they should be referring back to their math notes in their math notebook.

Progress Reports were also sent home last week. Thank you for the many inquiries. I am happy to see that we are working together to make your child accountable and successful.

Today your child will also be bringing home a Science Test that they took when learning from Mrs. DeGuzman. This was after a month long rotation. They had the opportunity to use both notes, and the book for this test. For that reason, Mrs. DeGuzman is not allowing re-do’s. Please sign and return by Friday.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your individual child, please e-mail or call me so we can discuss it. Thanks!

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