10 Top Photography Composition Rules

Rule of Thirds

Assume that your image is divided into  9 equal segments by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines. To add balance and interest to your photo, make the object of the picture position along the lines where it intersects.


Balancing Elements

With your main subject of your photo off place, this creates a more interesting photo to look at. While avoiding empty spaces, balance the main subject of your photo by including other objects around it to fill the empty spaces.


Leading Lines

Our eyes tend to be distracted by the most main subject when we look at a photo. You can change the view of your photo by pulling us into the picture or on a journey “through” the scene.


Symmetry and Patterns

Symmetry and patterns surrounds us; whether they are made naturally or man-made. Photos with symmetry and patterns are interesting and eye-catching compositions.



A viewpoint has a major impact on the composition of your photos. You should take time to decide where you will shoot your subject. Consider photographing from a low, high, close, or far view to enhance your photos.



Sometimes when you take a photo of what you thought would turn out great didn’t; consider adding impact to the picture. Plain backgrounds usually work to let the eye focus on the main subject and not be distracted by the background if the scene were a cluttered or busy background.



When taking photos, we would have to be careful of conveying the feelings of depth in the pictures that represents actual sense. A useful tip would be to overlap the main subject with another secure one object on another; creating an image that has depth.



Perfect natural frames would be trees, archways, and holes to frame a photo. These can be found throughout the world; by placing your main subject in the frame of the photo; this creates a more focused image to your main point of interest.



Many times, a photo can lack impact because the main point of interest is small that it blends in with the background. By cropping around your main object, this eliminates any background distractions to get the attention of the viewers on the main subject of the picture.



Experimenting with photography has become a real possibility when it comes to taking pictures. Take advantage of the situation and experiment with composition. The results can come out fantastic!


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