Bugs Business
Have you ever eaten bugs before?This week we learn that we should include bugs into our diets because they are nutritious, they require less resources, and they are tasty. Also, my class and I ate different kinds of bugs, some of the bugs we ate were chocolate-covered worms, chile-lime crickets, and spicy superworms, that my teacher brought us. First of all, bugs are nutritious. In the article, Megan Miller states that “they are packed with vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals. In addition, they require less resources. For example, Jarod Goldin “ to produce one pound of meat protein you need 2,000 gallons of water,with one pound of cricket protein requires just one gallon. Finally, insects are tasty. According to the article, many people around the world are eating them, so they must be tasty. In conclusion, we should bugs in our diet because they are better than meat.
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