My Journey of 6th Grade

The last grade of elementary school, the 6th grade, has given me both challenges and pleasant memories. Gladly, all of the bad times are far too buried in the good times for me to say,”This was the best school year of my life.” There are so many reasons why.

When I was at my other school, Ethel I. Baker, I was in a split class of 5th and 6th graders and my other 6th grade classmates and I were stuck learning 5th grade standards. I really wasn’t a fan of this and the others weren’t either. I had so much anxiety of whether or not I was going to get to the next grade or not. I then got transferred to a school called Prairie elementary. Because I was at Baker for 4 and ⅔ of a year, when I moved to another school, I thought things like,”No one can replace my old friends, so, I’m not going to try and make any friends,” and I’m so happy that I didn’t go through with it. Of course, my old school was great, to think things like this, and the kids there were amazing, but there was something about them that made me feel self-conscious about being myself around them. On the other hand, at my slightly new school, Prairie, I can really be myself and make friends that I can truly be myself around. I thought that transferring would be a terrible experience, but it turned out to be a true blessing. I wouldn’t have been able to meet the best friends I’ve honestly ever had, Emily, Jonathan, Eazy-E, or Jose, and if I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have met people that I could be myself around. It turned out that I really had nothing to worry about when it came to being in a split classroom because at the end of the year at Prairie I was on Honor roll.

All in all, my 6th grade year was amazing because I met people that I could be myself around and I made honor roll. If you ask me what a winner would be in the sixth grade is, my answer would definitely be: managing their social life at school while also trying to get the best grades they possibly can.  

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