“Phobia”, the greek/latin root, means fear. And there are some oddly weird ones (No offence). Sooooooooooo… I’m here to list them!


  1. archibutyrophobia-fear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth
  2. chaetophobia-fear of hair
  3. dendrophobia-fear of trees
  4. deipnophobia-fear of dining or dinner conversations
  5. ephebiphobia-fear of teenagers
  6. geniophobia-fear of chins
  7. genuphobia-fear of knees
  8. hedonophobia-fear of feeling pleasure
  9. logophobia-fear of words

which reminds me of another phobia having to do with words…                                                                            …the moment we’ve all been waiting for…

10. hippopotomonstosesquippedaliphobia-fear of long words

It’s not really the phobia, but the word for fear of long words… is long! Now it’s no wonder some people are scared of long words!