More about the web


Here are 6 suggestions to help you with evaluating websites. It’s VERY IMPORTANT to read over this information before you start your searching!

Make sure you are in the right place:

  1. As weird as it sounds, ask yourself why you are using the Internet.
  2. Don’t use the Internet because it’s fun and easy. What takes you 2 hours online could take you 2 minutes in a reference book.
  3. Ask yourself: Does this site address the topic you are researching? Was the page worth visiting?

 When in doubt, DOUBT!

  1. Almost anyone can put up almost anything on the web for almost any purpose.
  2. Accuracy is not easy to confirm.  Information on a site cannot be evaluated unless you compare it to other sources.
  3. Question the authority of all web sites. Don’t accept an author’s word without checking for supporting evidence.

Consider the source:

  1. Try to find out who wrote or created the website. Find out not only their names but something that indicates what about them makes them a qualified expert.

 Know what’s happening:

  1. Try to identify the reason the web page was created in the first place. If you know the motive behind the page’s creation, you can better judge it’s content.
  2. Think about what’s NOT being said on this website.
  3. If the website is presenting facts and/or statistics, then you should look for documentation. Be suspicious if you do not see documentation.

Look at the details:

  1. Check for the obvious details like grammar and spelling. Nite the depth of the material presented. Is the language simple or technical?
  2. Don’t be impressed with graphics. Even the best looking pages can have false or misleading information.

 Distinguish web pages from pages found on the web:

  1. Many articles from newspapers, magazines, government documents, pamphlets, etc are now found on the web.
  2. On the Internet, you can’t see an article’s glossary, cover, etc. These should be evaluated, too!




* Adapted from ICYou See T is for Thinking

Ithaca College Library