When you have to research…


Big6 Research Skills handouts

Graphic organizer handout

Outline maker  Here’s a fabulous site that will help you develop an outline for your paper.

If you have a library card to the Sacramento Public Library, you can access their databases.

NoodleQuest  It’ll ask you questions to help you to figure out where to start.

NoodleTools  Choose the best search for your information need.

ipl2   Websites added to the directory by librarians who have judged the websites to be helpful and authoritative.  No fear that you’ll find unreliable sources when you use this helpful service!

WWW Virtual Library Another directory of websites selected for their reliability and dependability.

Tips to enhance your search on Google

Google search tips

Google Search  Not to be confused with good-old Google, it’s a list of preselected, commonly-searched topics.

Calisphere  Website of primary sources,  sponsored by the University of California.

Okay, let’s face it.  I know you’re going to visit Wikipedia.  Just make sure you confirm what you find there in other reliable, trustworthy sites.

Mooter  Clusters search results  from lots of search engines, in a nice clean format.

Metacrawler  Search a bunch of search engines. 

Internet Public Library Search by topic to find websites super smart librarians have selected because they are great sources.  Click on their logo to go to their home page and click on teens for more resources specifically selected for teens.

Tips and suggestions for evaluating websites:

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly:  Tips for Evaluating Websites

Web page evaluation tutorial

The 5 Ws of Cyberspace

A website evaluation handout

Citing sources:

Remember, you must cite all the sources you consult, to give credit to the authors for their hard work, and so you can’t possibly be accused of plagiarism.  Here are some helpful tools for you to do that.

MLA formatting guide  See the updated rules and examples of how to cite all sorts of resources:  book, encylopedia, periodical, Internet, database, interview, pamphlet…. you name it, it’s there.

Or you can let one of the sites below do the work for you.

Easybib                 Bibme               Citation Machine 

Vist the website at CSU San Marcos on plagiarism– what it is, how to avoid it, how to cite sources.

Reference sites:

Reference Desk                  Library Spot

Information Please           Information Please homework center

Dictionary                             Biography

Biographies organized by occupation/accomplishment, or era, or race/ethnicity/nationality

Twentieth century biographies



Sacramento Bee                   Elk Grove Citizen