Halloween Spookstory

On the day of October 12 it was dark and stormy. Most people wanted to stay inside but others played in the rain. My sister and I played in the rain before lunch. After lunch, I looked outside and saw that everything was dry except the sidewalk. When I looked at the other side of the street itwas dry. So I asked my mom and she said we could follow the trail. My mom, my sister, and I followed the trail to a creepy old abandoned shool. We walked up to the gate but the trail went in. Mom and I pushed open the rusty gate and saw a corn maze and a mirror room through the window of the office. The office was horrific.Torn and destroyed offices and there wasn’t  even a door just, a hole in the wall! My mom said we should go but my sister wanted to stay a little longer. As we went through the tunnel, a ghost scared me as I walked by. Once my sister did the maze, we left. My mom and I were scared out of our minds but my sister said it was fun.

Hey I’m Back

Hey guys, I’m back. I am now in 6th grade and my teacher is Mrs. Korvink. We named my corn snake rusty. My sister got a lizard named Delta that is a Crested Gecko. We got another (can you guess it) snake! We named the ball python Voldemort because he looks like Voldemort’s snake Maledictus. We got rid of the rats but don’t worry we didn’t feed them to our snakes. I hope you enjoy what I post this year. Goodbye for now!