Materials needed: A box, photo paper, a thin piece of metal, tape, needle, brass shim, and sand paper
Step 1: Poke a tiny hole in the brass shim with a needle and sand it smooth.Trim the shim so there is a little space around the hole.
Step 2: Get a box like object (not to big, not to small) the box must be light proof. Make sure there aren’t any holes in the box. Cut a small square opening in the box so the that pinhole could go in.
Step 3: Tape the pinhole behind the opening. Center the pinhole in the opening. Then make the shutter which is something that covers the pinhole(like a flap of tape)
Step 4: Now get photo paper, put it in the box. The room must be completely dark while putting the photo paper in the box. Put the lid to the box on and make sure the shutter is closed.
Step 5: Point the camera at what you want to take a picture of. The sun has to be behind you. You have to be perfectly still.