16 thoughts on “What did you have fun doing when you were off track?

  1. One sunny morning, my dad suggested that we get some excersise. We agreed to go for a long bike ride around the neighborhood. We rode down the street , and our dad gave us instructions as he rode his bike, his shirt flying in the breeze. We arrived at the park closest to us, and we played for a while.
    My brother and I had races on a net-like structure, but he always lost. My dad was getting annoyed by my brother’s whining, so we left and went on with our long ride .
    I got goose bumps when we rode down the bike lane by the street . I felt like when a car went by I would fly up in the air. But I didn’t, so I just kept behind my dad and rode quietly until we reached a large ditch that looked as deep as a hole could be. My dad yelled something, but I could not hear him because of the wind. When we got past the ditch, we went through all these streets with houses on both sides. Then we got bored and headed home, but the bad thing about that is it started raining. So when we crossed the street the slippery oil made our bikes skid. When we got home my mom got home, and we told her all about it . And that’s what I did on vacation.

  2. On my break, my dad and I went fishing with his friends. I cought the biggest fish at Folsom Lake on the boat. My dad and I went fishing again with Daryn and my dad’s friends. I caught a small one, but at least it was a keeper. We took it home and gave it to my grandma because it was her birthday. My aunt took me to a birthday for my best friend’s uncle. We were playing at an area that people jump on the ground without getting hurt. My sister was having a very good time over there. My sister was so loud at the area because she was spinning in a wheel. Then it was my turn. I wasn’t as loud as my little sister. When my aunt took us home we ran to my mom and dad, and we had dinner.

  3. I went to visit my family, and I went in a limo. We went to the air port and went to San Diego. We went to rent a car and we looked for a holel. We found one, and it had a hottub and a swimming pool. We went to Sea World and went on a ride that is the highest ride in San Diego. We went on two more rides, and we left. The next day we went to the zoo, and I saw animals. We ate there, and we went in a ride on the ballon ride. The next day went to a place that has laser tag and roller coasers and a ride call CHAOS. I went on it, and it was spinning fast, and we went high. Then we all went and returned the cars. Then the bus took us back to the air port, and we went high in the sky again. We went down, and we went outside so we can go home. We had to wait long and then our limo finally came, and we all went home. We got home, and we all went to play games and watch tv, and we all went to sleep.

  4. On my vacation my grandma was ill so we did shoman 10 times. My cousins from Fresno and Stockton came. One night before my cousins came we went bowling, to a buffet, to the theaters,and then home.
    Then the next day my cousins from Fresno came, and then we played. And my uncle and grandpa from Stockton came. Then the next day my cousins from Stockton came.We played until they went home.
    I finished my homework the whole week and on Monday I went to school and started learning. And my Grandmother was really really sick. That’s why we did shoman 10 times. I was so sad for my Grandma. She went to two hospitals, and she went a lot of times .She went back and forth, back and forth.
    I was also the only one to help my grandma. She has a stroke and dibetes from her knee to the rest of her legs. I am so sad. But when my dad’s girlfriend’s mom had a stroke they panicked more than us.

  5. My Vacation

    One day we were driving in my mom’s white car to San Jose. While we were driving, my dad set up a little t.v. for us to watch. Outside we saw lots of grass and trees, and then finally we were in San Jose. All of us went to a place called D&B’s. Their food was delicious. My mom said,” Why don’t we go to the mall,” while she was putting on her red coat.

    So we got to the mall and my mom wanted to go to so many different places. First we went to Claire’s. She bought some glasses for me that were kind of brownish. We went to all the other places she wanted to go, and then we were done. We went to the hotel, and we stayed in the room for a little. Then we went to the pool. When we got there the first thing we did was do a cannonball. After that we went into the Jacuzzi. We went back and my cousins, aunts, and uncles were there, so we went swimming again! In the pool we played with a colorful ball and jumped in. We all took a shower and watched TV. We watched a movie called “Bubble Boy”. After that we played cards fell asleep.

    The next day we woke up and went to go eat breakfast. When we were done, we took a shower and got ready to go to Great America. We were finally ready, and then we went to the front desk to check out. We drove to Great America, and the first thing we went on was a ride called “Sky High”. The black seat was hard, and in the ride you could see all of Great America. We walked around, and we rode our second ride called “The Grizzly”. I rode with my cousin Chalysse. The ride had looped, and went all the way up to the sky and dropped! The next ride we went on was this SpongeBobSquarePants ride. You had to go in a seat and strap yourself, and the chairs moved. My favorite ride was “The Demon”. I loved it! First you had to go through a tunnel and you went upside-down. It did lots of flips. After that my mom got my brothers and I a spray-painted T-shirt. My shirt has a Hawaiian flower on it, and says my name at the bottom. My brothers’ shirts just have their names on. Then my mom got carved names for us like a keychain thing. We packed all of our stuff and went to the car.

    When we were all done we left. We went to IHOP. Our parents said to wash our hands, so we went into this hotel because it was connected with IHOP. The food was delicious! I had cheeseburgers (their cheese burgers are the best). My brothers got fries, and my mom just spilled her drink on her new blue tank top. And that’s what I did when I was off track.

  6. When I went Fishing
    One day I went fishing. I went with my mom, dad, brother, sister, and little brother to go fishing. It was at the Folsom Lake. One of the persons took some pictures of us next to the boat, then we got on the boat. There was a man on it, he was nice to us. After we got in the water the man went fast.

    Then we stopped when we did that. It was almost time to leave. I was getting bored after the man said to hold his fishing pole. But I did. I felt something pulling on the string. It was a fish on the hook. After my mom took some pictures of me holding the fish with the man and my brother.

    After the ride was done we had to put our fishing poles in the truck. After we did that we went walking up a hill. Then when we got on top of the hill we saw a lot of people. We mostly saw a lot of kids playing with stuff on the table. Then we went to eat some food. Then that was when I went fishing.

  7. What I Did On My Vacation

    When I was off track I went to the snow with my mom, my dad, my two brothers, Cody and Aaron. It was cold at the snow. It was my brother’s first time being there. It was beautiful because there was snow on the trees.
    We were wearing almost two pairs of everything. It was real cold there. I fell asleep on the ride. About an hour later my mom woke me up.
    Cody was scared to go out of the truck. Aaron ran right passed us and yelled a happy yell. I had gloves on so when I touched the snow it wouldn’t sting. My brothers picked snow up for the first time and said it was cold. We were there for about one hour, and it was time to go.

  8. My Fun Vacation

    When I was off track I had a lot of fun. My mom, my four sisters, my little brother, and I were going to buy cake for my sister’s birthday. We went to Foods Co to buy the cake. But when we got in the car my sister and I were arguing about the cake. My sister said “I think I’m too old for cake.”
    I said, “No you’re not. You’re just in the middle of getting cake”.
    So we got to Dollar Tree, and we went to buy more stuff. I went in to buy candy, soda, and ice cream. My mom said, “Go put it back where it belongs.”
    I said, “It belongs to me.” So I just went in the car and waited for them. They got in and we went home, and we sang “Happy Birthday”. After that my sister Preshi cut the cake. I ate a lot of cake.
    And I used the bathroom more than five times, but I had to wash my face and mouth before I went to bed. And that’s the end of my story.

  9. My Vacation
    One day my dad, sister, and I went to my cousin’s house.
    My dad had a white shirt on and tan pants and brown shoes.
    My sister had a black shirt on and a red and black flannel. She had gray jeans and some Nike shoes. I was wearing a purple shirt. I was wearing blue pants and purple and black vans. When we got off the van it was really hot outside. I saw my two cousins and my two uncles.

    I saw my cousins’ friends, so I started to play with them all day long until my sister called me. My sister told me to tell my dad that she was going to my auntie’s house. When I went to tell my dad, he told me to tell my sister to come back. It started to get dark so we said bye to our family. My dad told us that we needed to pick my mom up from my favorite auntie’s house.

    When we got to my auntie’s house they weren’t there because my mom’s family had gone to pick up my auntie from the hospital. My auntie was in the hospital because she was going to have a baby. The baby’s name is Sophia, and she was born on April 30, 2010 it was on a Friday. I was so happy to have a new baby cousin.

  10. My Off Track Vacation

    When I was off track my mom and dad took me to my cousin’s house in Fresno. When we were at my cousin’s house he took me to his room where I was going to sleep. We even watched a movie and ate some chips. When we were at his house his mom came and said “hi” to us in Hmong.
    When his mom came my cousin and I were tired, so we turned off the TV. I asked him, “Why don’t we go to the store?” So my cousin said “ok”. When we were at the store we bought some chips, drinks, and candy. After we were buying stuff we went back home and played on the computer. We were playing online games. When we were playing my mom told me, “Let’s go home Richard” in Hmong.
    When my mom said that I felt like I wanted to go home. So my mom and dad took me home. When my mom and dad took me back home I was tired. I slept in the car when my mom and dad was driving back to Sacramento from Fresno. When we were back from Sacramento my mom woke me up to go sleep at my house. When I went to sleep at my house I was tired. That is all my vacation is about.

  11. On my vacation I went to my cousin’s house at noon. When I came over, he was gone to play a baseball game. He was playing the Giants. They lost by 4 points.
    We played his Xbox360. Then we went outside. We played tag. Then my mom picked me up.

  12. What I Did in my vacation
    On my vacation I did something fun. I went to the snow. I woke on a Sunday morning, put on my suit, and left the house for a fun day. When we were at the freeway my mom stopped and we ate breakfast. When I arrived I saw the snow, trees, rocks, and squirrels. My cousin and I got the slides and we ran as fast as we could. We slid on top of the hill.

    As I was going on top of the hill, I could feel the sun in my face. I could see all the peoples’ faces with happiness. Suddenly I felt something hit my back. I turned and saw my brother laughing and a snowball on his hand. I got snow from the ground and I threw it to my brother, and we started a snowball fight.

    “Stop!” I yelled to my brother.
    He said, “Fine.” and ran to hit my sister. Soon the sun started to go down and we had to leave. We got everything and put it on the car. My mom asked if it was fun, and we all said “Yes.” My mom stopped at the gas station, and we all got what we wanted. That’s what I did on my vacation.

  13. My Vacation
    When I was on my vacation my family and I went to a party.
    It was at the park. My family members and some of
    our friends were there for one of our friend’s birthday. We had tacos
    with meat and celantro. The meat tasted good. The park had
    two playgrounds. One was small and one was big. So my friends and
    family members ate. Many people loved the tacos. All the kids
    went to the playground and played.

    The playground was mostly blue and red. The park was mostly big. Then the birthday boy cut the cake. Someone passed the
    plates out to everybody. We all liked the cake because it had sugar balloons. And it had his name in blue sugar. We sang “Happy Birthday” to him.

    He was wearing a blue shirt and blue shorts. He opened his presents. But it was mostly clothes. We left and ate cookies and drank warm milk.

  14. San Francisco

    The most fun thing on my vacation was when the man on the street fell in love. When we arrived from San Francisco we started going to the bakery shop. All of our family was waiting for my aunt because she was buying some bread. We saw a man on the street outside the bakery shop eating bread. The man on the street finished the bread and went to my mom and said “I like you” my mom said “Thank you”.

    When my mom said “Thank You” the man on the street did the kissy face. My aunt bought a lot of bread so she needed help carrying the bags. All of us left the bakery shop and went to the last store. We were walking to another shop that is across the street. The man on the street followed us, but we went across the street and he went straight to the corner.

    My mom took a half an hour at the shop because she needed to buy a lot to make soup. Before we left, my mom needed to buy more food because we didn’t eat breakfast. So we stopped at Lee’s Sandwich Shop. During the ride home I got bored and thirsty, so I drank all of the Lipton Tea that is called Green Tea. I started listening to my iPod, and I got very sleepy and fell asleep. When I woke up my iPod ran out of batteries. I forgot to go to the bathroom when we were at Lee’s Sandwich Shop. So I tried to rush my mom to hurry up because I had to go to the bathroom.

  15. Maritza 4/6/10

    When my dad said to us that we were going to Mexico and Los Angeles, I got happy. My cousin had a party, and it was fun because we ran around the the house and out of the house too. In Mexico we walked around. My sister and my mom got tired, so when we got there, my mom went to bed and slept intil morning.

    I made myself cereal, and I made my mom’s breakfast. My mom liked it. It was eggs and pancakes and my mom ate it all. We went to the house, I got on the house, and I got scared. But then I was not scared any more, and it was fun. It was time to go home and it was time to go to school. THAT IS MY VACATION STORY.

  16. What I Did On My Vacation
    On April 12 I went to lake Tahoe with my stepdad, my mom, and my sister. My mom’s name is Becky, my stepdad’s name is Nay, and my sister’s name is Chelsea. It usually takes about two hours to get there, but for us it took three hours because we got lost. We rented a huge cabin for $4995.

    We were the first ones there. My cousins, aunt, and uncle got there. After every one was there we went up a hill for people to snowboard and ski. When we got back it was already dark, and we went down stairs and heated the swimming pool. After we got out we all showered.

    We stayed there for the week and we played games the whole week. And we had to sleep in the theater room.

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