10 thoughts on “What are some interesting facts you have learned about California Indians?

  1. Gabrielino Indian Tribe
    The Gabrielno Indian south of the Chumash Indians near the ocean in Los Angeles California. They ate wild acorns, grass seeds, deer, rabbits, and sea food. The Gabrielno men wore skirts that are made out of woven bark or deer skin. The women also wore skirts made out of deer skin or cloth from fury animals (such as, deer skin, rabbit fur or bird skin).In ceremonies, their clothing are very bright with decorations such as feathers, furs, beads. There biggest ceremonies are about people who die over the year.

    The Gabriel no speak Northen Takic.Their home was made of placing poles upright in a circle and bending them in to meet in the middle.The frame work of poles cover in bundles of tule reeds.

    The would trade shells,berries,bones,and fish.Their tools were needles and also stone spear head.They made baskets, plates ,and trays.
    That is how the Gabrielino made their homes food and what they ate and were they lived.

  2. Washoe Tribe by Michael, Alan

    Arrows were invented by Native Americans. The Washoe tribe used arrows for over 100 years. They put horizontal “lightning marks”. The Washoe tribes believed it guided the arrows and made it speed up. The spikes that are at the top are made out of bones. Arrows are shaped like harpoons. Some are made for killing or stunning enemies.

    The territory of the Washoe people was the Great Basin, and they have been living there for the last 6,000 years. The territory of Washoe people is bounded by the southern shore of Honey Lake in the north. That is the territory of Washoe people.


    http://www..ehow.com/about_4671853_did-indians-make -bows-arrows-htm


  3. Chumash
    The Chumash Indians are native of south western California. They lived in grass houses which are made of domed wood thatched with grass. Almost all Chumash Indians speak English today. A Chumash word is huca it means dog. The rest of this report is going to be about the Chumash Indians.

    The Chumash tribe had to protect themselves just as all people. Chumash hunters used bows and arrows, fishermen used nets harpoons and fishing hooks. The Chumash were not known as a warlike tribe, but when they did have to fight, Chumash warriors usually fired their bows to keep safe. That is how the Chumash Indians kept safe.

    Originally Chumash people didn’t wear much clothing .Women wore only knee length grass or deer skin skirts. Men didn’t wear shirts it wasn’t necessary in their culture. But they did wear deerskin capes or feather robes when the weather was cold.

    http://www.bigorrin.org/chumash_kids.htm 11-11-10

  4. Miwok
    Boats & Weaving
    The Miwok Indians had the boat called Tule Balsa, and The Miwok weaved baskets for berries, nuts, and to keep their babies warm also for decorations.

    What did the Miwok do for ceremonies?
    They built a totem pole for fighting the spirits and to pray to the lord, Also a special dance to make the village happy.


    Miwok built their house out of cedar bark also they owned roundhouses you can still see houses like that in the Central California or the California Redwoods also the Coast of California



  5. Pomo Indian
    There is also eight thousand people that live in the village. The men hunted deer and a small game like rabbits. They also ate acorns, salmon, surffish, abalone, mussels, sealions, and bolbplants.
    The Pomo Indians speak seven different languages, but only three are still spoken including Hokan. The Pomo language became extinct after Edna Guerrero died.

    The men only wore underwear and the woman only wore clothing all the way to the top waist. The clothing was also made out of cotton or wool. The transportation that they used was a canoe made out of wood.


    Answers.com. 11-15-10
    Wikipedia.com 11-15-10

  6. Mojave Indians

    The Mojave Indians mostly spoke English. They ate mesquite bean pone, squash, and meat. They made clubs, spears, and utensils. They lived in plank houses. The Mojave Indians lived in Mexico.

    The children learned math, spelling, reading, and English. The Mojave men hunted for food, while the children and women stayed at home. They ate fish and bears. They wore loincloths .They lived next to the Hupa tribe.



    November 18, 2010

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