
By changing the F-stops on the camera you are able to rendure the focal point of the picture, creating everything else that is not in focus to become blurrysolleybfstop1 solleybfstop2 solleybfstop3

Activisim Reseach

Activist Student Research

1. Rosa Parks: She was a woman activist who supported equal rights between blacks and whites. She contributed to humanity because she stood up for what she believed in and for that she was arrested but people looked up to her for her determination and bravery.

Roy Wilkins: He was a prominent supporter of the civil rights movement. Roy was active in the NAACP, or the National Association for the Advanced placement of Colored People which was a group that stood up for the rights of blacks. Wilkins contributed to humanity because he participated in the March on Washington, the Selma to Montgomery marches and the March Against fear.

Harriet Tubman: She escaped slavery but traveled back to the South to become a leader in abolishing the American Civil War. She led over hundreds of slaves to freedom and contributed by being the conductor of the Underground Railroad. During the time of the war Tubman was a nurse and helped anyone in need. She quickly became an armed scout and spy and helped many slaves.

2. The 5 causes of activism include the efforts to promote, impede, or direct social, political, economic or environmental change. I think these are important because everyone has a right to their own opinion and if they feel like their rights are being taken away or violated they have the right to stand up and fight.

Random Act of Kindness Research

  1. “Hey let me Pick up the Tab” was the name of the article but the author is unknown. The article was talking about going somewhere to eat and paying for someone else’s meal or simply even a drink.
  2. There was no research conducted
  3. Yes, I would definitely want to help someone out and spread kindness and its as easy as paying for someone else’s food.
  4. I researched an article about people at the mall who were chosen randomly to buy any gift a random stranger wanted. I thought this was very interesting because no matter how expensive the person bought it for them. It inspired me because I think it would be really cool to just go up to a random person who was looking at something they wanted and be able to pay for it for them.

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