Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Near and Dear

I chose to take pictures of my sisters for near and dear because even though they annoy me a lot of the time and get on my nerves, i love them. they are always there to make me feel better when i’m down and they always keep my entertained. Reagan, the one to the left, is 11 and she’s in 6th grade. Kennedy, the one to the right, is 3 and she is currently not attending school. hahaha. 

My Special Place

This is my special place because i spend a lot of time in my room and after a long day it is the only place i like to go to have my space and relax. Plus i live with my parents and two younger sisters so it is a place where i can go and escape from my hectic life, no one can bother me there. A lot of the time when i’m in my room i’m listening to music and sitting on my bed on my phone scrolling through tumblr.

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