Photo Essay


Photo Essay: Nature

            If I were to ask you how frequently you go outside just to enjoy nature and the weather what would you say? I can say that I love to be outside and go on adventures just to explore everything around me. While I was on one of my walks I came across this path by my house that led to a little pond thing. I decided that it would be cool to walk down it and just see what was through there. As I was walking I noticed that there were a lot of trees and bushes almost as though this place wasn’t being well maintained and all the plants could just grow free.

Along the path that I was walking I stopped to take pictures of the things that were interesting and stood out to me. I often wondered if anyone else would walk through this place and what they would do and think. There is a bridge and under that bridge are little tunnels that run from the lake on the other side of the street and as I went down to take pictures under the bridge I noticed that people also came down there because there was graffiti on the bridge and also some trash. I thought it was cool down there though because if you looked through the tunnels you could see through to the other side. After taking those pictures, I went back up to the normal path and walked down it and just took a bunch of pictures of the water and plants and trees at different angles and viewpoints to try and capture a more abstract and altered meaning.

By coming across this path I can say that it has grown to be one of my favorite places to visit because although it seems as if no one goes back there, there are a lot of signs that make it seem like this place are frequently visited by people. If you happen to go at just the right time, let’s say around 6:45-7:00 you can catch the sunset and it is so beautiful the way that it hovers over the trees and then slowly disappears into the water. This is so relaxing and so calming to me and I really just love to watch it. I believe that these little things such as just going out on a walk and taking time out of your day to stop and just take in a deep breath and look around at all the nature around you can really ease your mind and help you to relax or become less stressed.









water reflection




solleybphotoessay8more water





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