September 2014 archive

My Inspirational Quote

I think that the drought is becoming a really big issue all across the United States and so i thought it was important to share to people that conserving water and looking out for our environment is something we should all be concerned about OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

HW Landscapes

I took the top picture up in Tahoe when i went on a hike with my family and i thought it looked so pretty. And the second picture i took by my house close to the freeway when the sun was going down solleyblandscape


Jerry Uelsmann

For this project i took 3 pictures; one was a picture of a brick background, the second was a picture of some trees, and the last was a picture of Shelby looking through a fence out onto the street. solleybjerryuls

I feel like this symbolizes how trapped someone can feel even though they may be out and around people or whatever. They can have inner issues that make it hard for them to feel like they belong

samples of his work: images (4) images (5) images (6)

Task 2

Brennah Solley




  1. Margaret Bourke White
  2. Hats in the Garment District
  3. 1930
  4. New York
  5. The image is a photo looking down at everyone on the street, they are all just walking among the crowd while you notice that every single person is wearing a hat
  6. The story behind this photo is simply just showing the hustle and bustle of a new and growing city. In New York during this time it was just after WW1 and the start to the Great Depression. She wanted to catch the wholeness of NY
  7. I believe that she did capture the image very well. You can see clearly all of the thing in the photo, mostly focusing on the people and how they are all walking around paying no attention to anyone else. They all look the same.
  8. No there are not


Task One: Contemporary Photojournalist

1. Coyne believed the most important thing about taking a photo was believing in your mind and in your soul that it was a good picture.

2. What I found most interesting in the short film about Coyne was that he took the time to understand the people and get to know them before he decided to take pictures of them. He felt that it was important to have the people feel comfortable with him before he would snap shots of him

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