February 2014 archive

How i start my morning Paragraph

Every morning i wake up and go pee first things first. Then i got back in my room and get ready which consists of doing my hair, either straighten or curl, and then do my makeup. Eventually i get dressed and mostly this occurs just by picking something random out. I dont ever have time to eat brekafast so i pack a lunch and then leave the house by 7:15-7:20. Then i get to school and and start my day from there


I had Jr. be my partner again and told him to make certain expressions or try to be serious, I ended up taking some pretty good pictures of himsolleybheadshot1solleybheadshot2


I picked the song Little Things by One Direction because i was looking through the music on my phone and it was one of the only songs that wasn’t inappropriate OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Animal Hybrid

I chose an elephant for my animal hybrid because the elephant is  symbol of a caring giving but also determined animal. This relates to me because although I am hard headed I do care about the people that are important in my life. elephants are also my favorite animalsolleybhybrid