September 2013 archive

Famous Photographer

The famous photographer i chose was Diane Arbus. She was an American photographer that took portraits of people in black and white. Her photographers were put in the Museum of Modern Art in 1967. Most people described her as a freak because she liked to take photographs of “different” people; dwarfs, giants, circus performers and transgenders whose normality was surreal. She wanted the pictures to seem harsh because she wanted to reveal the truth: the difference between what people wanted others to see and what they really did see.

“Your thing”

My “thing” or something i really enjoying doing is swim and water polo. I play both sports for Laguna and i have so much fun. They both may look easy but don’t let the swimmers elegant glides through the water fool you, they work very hard to create good stamina and look like what they’re doing is easy. It’s not just the sports i love, but the people on my team i love just as much. They are so helpful and fun to be around, they definitely make practice a lot more enjoyable. 


These pictures were taken with the macro setting on the computer. This setting allows you to get really close to the object you are taking a picture of and get a clear shot of it. Macro is a cool setting because when you get close up to something you can see all the little details it has within the picture. 


Line: point moving in space. Line can vary in width, length, curvature, color, or direction.

Value: Lightness or darkness of a hue or neutral color.


Color: visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a given surface.

Texture: surface quality of materials, either actual (tactile) or implied (visual).

Shape: two-dimensional area or plane that may be open or closed, free-form or geometric. It can be found in nature or is made by humans.

Form: three-dimensional volume or the illusion of three dimensions


I took a selfie and edited on photoshop and added a textured filter. this filter makes it look like i was painted on a canvas which i think is really neat. photobooth is fun to go on to take silly pictures. 


I thought this pattern was pretty cool because the tree is very detailed and you can see all the little cracks in the tree. (first picture) and the second picture i chose to take a picture of one of the benches outside at the school because i thought it was neat how the shapes looked like ovals but they were all connected. 

Near and Dear

I chose to take pictures of my sisters for near and dear because even though they annoy me a lot of the time and get on my nerves, i love them. they are always there to make me feel better when i’m down and they always keep my entertained. Reagan, the one to the left, is 11 and she’s in 6th grade. Kennedy, the one to the right, is 3 and she is currently not attending school. hahaha. 

My Special Place

This is my special place because i spend a lot of time in my room and after a long day it is the only place i like to go to have my space and relax. Plus i live with my parents and two younger sisters so it is a place where i can go and escape from my hectic life, no one can bother me there. A lot of the time when i’m in my room i’m listening to music and sitting on my bed on my phone scrolling through tumblr.