Greetings teachers of Language!
And welcome to your own personal Jackman Webspace!
L! Testing information:
With the implementation of FAST we no longer need to use the pre-id form shown here:
(This means a whole lot less bubbling of information on the back side.)
Instead we can now use this form:

The new form is blue on one side, green on the other. To save resources/supplies as much as possible, we will use the blue side for pre and the green side for post (so hold onto the scantrons after you scan them for the post test. The only thing that needs to be filled in is the student id number in the lower right hand corner.
Once finished with your pre assessment, make sure to keep you piles separate if you are administering different L! levels at the same time.
We can now scan on site with our scanner.! (woo-hoo!)
Information for Training on Scanning
When you are ready to scan, email me with your prep period and the day you would like to scan. I will train you on the scanning and upload process. (It would be a good idea to invite any aids you are working with as well)
Getting the Data
The data will be available to you the next day, and since it will be stored in orange SISweb, you will be able to run all types of reports with them. Upon administering the post, you can even run a cross tab and share with the students to show their growth!
Below are link to direction pages you may find helpful: