4 steps of Critique slides

  • Art Criticism: Art criticism is responding to, interpreting meaning, and making critical judgments about specific works of art.
  1. When Critiquing you must use the following four steps/slides in sequence!
  2. The Four Steps:
    1. Describe
    2. Analyze
    3. Interpret
    4. Evaluate/Judgement

Step One: Description

  • FIRST- Write down the Title, Author, Date and Style of the Artwork.
  • Make a list of all the things they you see in the work.
  • Describe the subject matter.  (What it is about, what is happening, if there is no subject describe the elements)
  • Do not make any kind of judgment about the work. 
  • It is Important to carefully, non-judgmentally observe the art.
  • Step Two: Analysis
  • Pay close attention to which art elements the artist used. Line, Shape, Color, Value, Texture & Space.  (Form is 3-d and will not apply to painting critiques)


  • LOOK for ways the elements were used to organize the composition by noting the principles of art:  rhythm, balance, movement, proportion, variety, emphasis, and unity.

Step Three: Interpretation

  • List any feelings or moods you get from the artwork. This is the part that you interpret what the meaning of the artwork is. 


  • Think creatively and imaginatively at this stage. 


  • Base your interpretation on what you’ve concluded in the first two steps of the critique process.

Step Four: Judgment/Evaluation

  • Decide whether the work is successful or has merit is it important. 


  • Support your judgment with evidence from the first three steps.


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