All About ME

All About me


Hello world and hello readers! My name is Roman and this is my all about me Essay!


First, let’s get to know me. My name is Roman and I’m in the fourth grade and I am 10 years old.My teacher is a loving, nice ol’ gal named Ms Adams. She is the best teacher EVER!. My favorite subject is P.E., Computers, and Spelling.


I have a dog at my house and her name is Buffy and she is only twelve years old. The after school programs I do is boxing and maybe ninjitsu. Ninjistu is about fast and silent strikes and boxing is a combat sport where to fighters have to knock each other out and the loser is the one knocked out for 10 seconds.


The places I traveled to are Seattle, Maryland, Washington, D.C, and Virginia. I was born and raised in California and I have also travelled to Santa Cruz and San Francisco. Next summer, I plan on going to Texas and Florida. I am going to get the chance to ride a horse for the first time in my life when I visit my Uncle Robert (my mums brother) in Texas.


My likes are martial arts, gaming, school, having sleepovers, and playing with my friends,


My dislikes are nothing.


4 thoughts on “All About ME

  1. you sound like a REALY nice person roman
    where you live when do you have christmas break? and what month does you school move up to the next grade?


    • Dear, Tyler I live in Elk Grove C.A and I have Christmas break in December and we are promoted to 6th grade in the middle of June, I hope you have a great time using your blog


  2. Hi Roman my name is Matthew I also have a dog his name is Rex and he is 7. like you i have also traveled to Seattle when you go what is your favourite thing to do?

    • Dear Matthew, my favorite things to do are protecting my friends and family, playing, gaming, learning, and playing with my pets.

      Sincerely, Roman

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