Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy is known for his outdoor installation artworks that are created only using items from the surrounding environment. His style is very unique because all of his pieces are made using various materials found in nature such as rocks, leaves, ice or branches. Although most of his works are not able to last very long, he uses this to his advantage to symbolize that not everything in life lasts and that its important to cherish every moment. Goldworthy’s art installations have majorly  influenced many other environmental artists and he proves that art does not necessarily need to only be a depiction of nature, but nature can be used as an art medium. I would like to incorporate his style into my art by trying to using natural materials in my art pieces rather than just using paints and digital media.

Diane Burko

Diane Burko is an artist who focuses on monumental geological phenomenon. For one of her major projects focusing on climate change she recreated the three largest ice fields in the world while on an expedition. She has traveled in parts of Norway, Greenland and parts of the Arctic Peninsula. Her expeditions helped her realize the seriousness of the ice melts. I would like to incorporate her style into my art by photographing amazing things that I find in nature. Another idea of incorporating her artistic style into my work is maybe I could go take pictures of a landscape and then paint the photograph. I really like photography as well as painting so she will be very influential on my work.