photo essay
Photo Essay Shelby Raney
Although many people think that softball was derived from baseball, the sport’s first
game actually came about because of a football game. Softball dates back to
Thanksgiving Day of 1887, when several alumni sat in the Chicago, anxiously awaiting
to see who won the Yale versus Harvard football game. When Yale was announced as
winner, a Yale alumnus playfully threw a boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. The
Harvard fan swung at the balled-up glove with a stick. George Hancock, a reporter for the
Chicago Board of Trade, jokingly called out, “Play ball!” and the first softball game was
played with the football fans using the boxing glove as a ball and a broom handle in place
of a bat.
Due to the initial excitement of the the game, the “Players” decided to officially devise
their own set of rules, and the game quickly leaked to outsiders in Chicago and,
eventually, throughout the rest of the Midwestern U.S. As the history of softball shaped
itself over the next decade, the game went under the guise of many names. Some
including “indoor baseball,” “kitten baseball,” “diamond ball,” “mush ball,” and
“pumpkin ball.” In 1926, Walter Hakanson coined the term “softball” while representing
the YMCA at a National Recreation Congress meeting, and by 1930, the term stuck as
the sport’s official name. And from then on we called it Softball.
In 1934, the Joint Rules Committee on Softball collaborated to create a set of basic rules.
Up until this point, the game was being played with varied rules, player positions, and
ball sizes. They needed to make it to where all games would be somewhat similar. The
original softball used was 16 inches in circumference. However, Lewis Rober Sr., the
man responsible for organizing softball games for firefighters in Minneapolis, used a 12-
inch ball. Rober’s ball won out as the preferred softball size, and professional softball
games today are played using a 10–12-inch ball. However, many Chicagoans still hold
fast to the belief that real softball is played using a 16-inch ball. Games using these 16-
inch balls are often referred to as “cabbage ball,” “super slow pitch,” and “mush ball,”
and unlike competitive softball, players are not allowed to wear fielding gloves.
According to the official rules developed early in the history of softball, and eventually
defined by the International Softball Federation, there are nine players on the field at a
time. The players take the positions of pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman,
shortstop, third baseman, and outfielder. Usually, there are three outfielders holding the
positions of right fielder, left fielder, and center fielder. However, slow pitch softball
allows for a fourth person in the outfield along with the other three. Similar to baseball,
the team with the most runs at the end of the seventh inning is the winning team.
However, if the teams are tied at the end of the seventh inning, the game can go into extra
innings, until the tie is broken.
Though today there are many rules, in which us girls have to follow by when
playing the sport, there didn’t used to be so many rules. Now there are many different
leagues, divisions, and places to play this amazing sport. I love softball and always will.