On January 26, Superstax competed in the WSSA Southwest Regional Sport Stacking Championships. There were about 90 stackers from California and Nevada at the meet. 22 Ehrhardt students competed, and every one of them came home with one or more awards.
Superstax competitors are
Grade 1 – Justin Mariano
Grade 2 – Nathaniel Moritz, Emilio Sanchez, Jake Tabbah, Marcela Tillson, Darian Tolson, Selah Wright
Grade 3 – Hunter Bottge, Bella Bouyer, Erica Gatejen, Joey Souliere
Grade 4 – Clarissa Bordner, Marissa Mariano, Mariano Sanchez, Lizzy Souliere
Grade 5 – Makayla Bottge, Varsha Gaddipati, Damian Murillo, Andrew Philaphandet
Grade 6 – Celina Cantrelle, Anthony Mariano, Preston Tippen
Special recognition goes to Darian Tolson, age 7, who competed in seven events and won a gold medal in five of them.
Gold medals went to these doubles teams: Hunter Bottge & Justin Mariano (age 7/8); Mariano Sanchez & Damian Murillo (age 9/10); Anthony Mariano & Andrew Philaphandet (age 11/12).
Gold medals also went to these relay teams: DJ’s Mix (age 7/8) in both Timed and Head to Head relays; Celina & the Dudes (age11/12) in both Timed and Head to Head relays.
Silver medals were awarded to
Clarissa Bordner (two)
Hunter Bottge (two)
Bella Bouyer (two)
Celina Cantrelle (two)
Marissa Mariano (two)
Andrew Philaphandet (two)
Preston Tippen
Relay teams: Mysterious 5 (age 7/8) and Lightning (age 9/10)
Bronze medals were awarded to
Clarissa Bordner
Hunter Bottge
Celina Cantrelle
Anthony Mariano
Justin Mariano (two)
Marissa Mariano (two)
Damian Murillo
Andrew Philaphandet
Emilio Sanchez
Marcela Tillson (two)
Selah Wright
Relay teams: Mysterious 5 (age 7/8) and Perfect Together (age 9/10)
15 stackers have qualified for the 2013 Junior Olympics team, and they will begin training in March. We will keep you posted on our progress!