April 10

Why is Raymond Case a great school?

There are many activities that make Raymond Case a great school. A school is a place for people to learn. Raymond Case is a school. Raymond Case is a great school because it has carnivals, P.E, and talent shows.

I think Raymond Case a good school because it has carnivals. Carnivals are good because they have very fun activities. They also have food like hot dogs and nachos. You can also meet lots of friends. This show that carnivals are great and fun. Some may say that carnivals waste money, but I still think it’s very fun.

Raymond Case is also great because it has P.E. P.E gives kids exercise from running or games. P.E also has fun activities like basketball or hockey. P.E also helps by helping people with teamwork for team games. This shows that P.E is important to school and fitness. Some may say that they can exercise at home, but I still think it’s important.

Another reason why Raymond Case is great is because it has talent shows. It is fun to watch talented kids do cool things. It could also be fun to be in a talent show. The music can also be fun to listen to. This shows that talent shows can be fun to participate or watch in. Some may say talent shows are boring, but I still think it’s fun.

Raymond Case is a fantastic school with many fantastic things, and I hope you consider joining Raymond Case Elementary school.