January 10


Have you ever wondered about an ecosystem? The ecosystem is what all living things need to survive. Maybe you should learn about some ecosystems. One ecosystem is the desert, the desert has dry climate and very little rain. The desert has very little water. The desert almost never gets over 10 inches of rain a year. Another ecosystem is the ocean, the ocean is a large body of salt water. It also has lots of animals living under the ocean. The wetland is a place where the land is submerged under water, like a river. One of the beautiful ecosystems is the forest, the forest has land with lots of trees and animals, you can find all sorts of them. The last ecosystem i’m going to tell you about is the Arctic Tundra, it is very cold with lots of snow and ice and has no trees. Ecosystems are amazing, and if we don’t protect them, animals will die. If they die then other animals might die because they might starve. So people have to protect the ecosystem. The ecosystem is an important place animals and people.