All About the Author

Welcome To My Blog!

Hello my name is Peyton (if you don’t know). I am 10 years old. My birthday is on March 1st, 2008. I will be writing about things I love. I will be writing about ice cream. I will be writing about three favorite flavors. I have many more, but I will only be writing about three. I like cotton candy and jamoca. But my favorite favorite flavor is ( Blue Bunny) Cookies and Cream. I will talk about my family and pets. I have a mom and a dad. I have a sister and she is the oldest. Her name is Nani. I have my brother Andy or AJ and he is the second oldest. I have my brother Lucas and he is the second youngest.Yet I am the youngest. I have two pets and I used to have two pets. The pets I used to have is CC and she was a hamster. I also used to have a cat named Lola. I also have a cat and his name is Fin. Then comes our family pet Dalton a German Shepherd dog and he is six. I will say my favorite sports. My first favorite sport is soccer. I play for I.R Academy and I love the jerseys, they purple and white. Purple is my favorite color. I also run and I love it. I also love slime and I have a bunch of it. I have made all slimes except for cloud slime. I really love cloud slime. It looks so awesome and it feels like amazing sand. I know what it feels like because my friend Addy has cloud slime. My second favorite slime is floam slime. Floam slime has a lot of little foam balls. That is all I can tell you for now. I really hope you liked my very first blog post in the 4th grade.


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