The Ideal Pet
Do you ever feel bored and want someone to play with you. Brothers and sisters are great, but pets such as dogs are amazing and awesome.
Dogs are better pets than others, so if you read this you are going to want to get awesome, soft, and cute dog.
First of all, they always keep you busy. For example you have feed them and give the dog water. You have to train the dogs and take them on walks a lot. In my experience it is important to be busy because you might hurt your eyes if you watch or play to much electronics.
Second of all,if you have no one to play with you can play with your dog or somebody else’s. They never want to stop playing and the dogs are super hyper. You can take them to dog parks and see all these other dogs.
Last, dogs are super soft and cute. They sleep in your bed or curl up on the couch. You can pick the color of dog you want. Dogs are fluffy and their fur is super duper soft.
Clearly dogs are a better pet choice. If you want to be busy, play with someone, and have a cute and soft pet, go ahead and get a dog.
Marshall B
March 16, 2018 at 1:03 am (7 years ago)The dogs are cute. Are they big?