Animal Human Hybrid

1. Animal/Insect: Coyote

2. Culture: Native American

3. Symbolism of the animal: The coyote symbolizes enthusiasm, intelligence, resourcefulness, and inventiveness and is thought to be very humorous and sarcastic.

4. Reasoning behind this choice: I selected the coyote to represent me because I love to have a laugh and I am probably too sarcastic for my own good. I believe that I am pretty resourceful and can always adapt to a situation or problem.

5. Cite Internet Sites:

PageJ Animalmorph


My Future Goals

When its comes to looking ahead at my future, not much is clear. But if I had to say at least 2 (slighty random) things that I hope to have in the not-so-distant future, I would want to have a cute pet/dog to keep me company and be able to make nice, presentable foods, like the meal that I had (as shown below). The dog in the picture is my aunt’s dog who is only 3 months old and is the most adorable and sweet thing I have ever met in my life. The meal that I have shown in a meal that I had at a fancy restaurant when I was in Hawaii this past summer.

 PageJ Goals1 PageJ Goals2

10 Top Photography Composition Rules

Rules of Thirds

For this rule, you have to imagine that the image/picture that you’re taking is divided into 9 equal segments with 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines. By doing this, you should be able to position the most important elements in your scene along the lines (or where they intersect).

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Balancing Elements

In order to make the picture not seem ’empty’, you should balance the “weight” of your subject by including another object of lesser importance to fill the space.

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines

By placing lines throughout the scene, you can affect the way people view the image by having them follow the line(s) through the picture. There are many types of lines that can be used to enhance our photo’s composition: straight, diagonal, curvy, zigzag, radial, etc.

Leading Lines

Symmetry and Patterns

Symmetry and patterns can make very eye-catching compositions. Another technique is to break the symmetry/pattern in some way, therefore introducing tension and a focal point to the scene.

Symmetry and Pattern


The viewpoint of a photo can greatly affect the message that the shot conveys. Instead of just taking the shot from eye level, think about taking it from high up, on the ground, from the side, from the back, from far away, from close up, and so on.



Although the human eye is capable of distinguishing each particular element of a scene, a camera tends to flatten the foreground and background, ruining the photo. To fix this, look for a plain, unobtrusive background so that it doesn’t distract or detract the subject at hand.



You can creat depth in a photo by including objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background. Another trick is to overlap, where you deliberately partially hide one object with another. The human eye is advanced enough to naturally recognize these layers and mentally separate them, therefore creating depth.



By using natural frames around the edge of the composition, such as trees, archways, and holes, you help to isolate the main subject from the outside world. This focuses the image and draws your eye naturally to the main point of interest.

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By cropping tight around the subject, are are able to eliminate the background “noise”, making sure the subject gets the viewer’s undivided attention.



In today’s world, we no longer have to worry about film processing costs or running out of shots. We can take tons of pictures and delete the unwanted ones later. This allows us to experiment with your composition – you never know whether an idea will work until you try it.


Extra Stuff

Here are some edits that I made out of pure boredom

Before                                              After

GirlBefore GirlAfter2


Before                                                                After

TaylorBefore  TaylorAfter

My Favorite Assignment

For this term, my favorite assignment was recreating the advertisement. It was pretty fun having to place the M&Ms in a certain way (though it was really time consuming) in order to make it look like a keyboard. Also, I had a lot of fun editing the photo in Photoshop and looking for the right fonts that fit the original best. Even though I think that I did a pretty good job on it this time around, I think that I could have done a better job than this. I would love to do this assignment again but next time, make it even better than before. This term in Photography was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be and I am definitely looking forward to fourth term:)

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