Where I’m From Poem

I am from iPhone, from softballs and books.

I am from the big, blue-doored house with the small of roses all around.

I am from the daisies, the big oak tree.

I am from pumpkin carving and movie lovers, from Andy, Stacey, and Robert.

I am from the forgetful and thoughtful.

From ‘don’t make me count to ten’ and ‘do you want some ice cream?’

I am from going to church and slowly stopping after a while.

I am from Sacramento, China and New Zealand, Vegemite and rice.

I am from my mom forgetting to grab the groceries after buying them, the running back into the store in search of them, and the me laughing at her throughout the whole thing.

I am from the scrapbook that let’s us relive our entire past life.

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