Analyzing Ads


1) The target audience for this particular ad is most likely for older people in need of prescription glasses. This ad wouldn’t be for younger people since they wouldn’t know what this painting is and what it’s originally supposed to be. This is a very inventive way of advertising a glasses company through art and photography.

2) I guess if I had to choose an emotion that I’m feeling as I look at this ad, I would say that it makes me happy since I laughed when I first saw it.

3) Beyond any emotional appeal, I would say that the ad is saying that their company’s glasses can make anything clearer if you wear them. I do believe they are exaggerating though since I doubt that their glasses can actually change an image like this one so dramatically.

4) The intended use for this product is to improve the users vision. They use the well known painting as a distraction from questions such as the price of the object and the actual strength of these glasses.

5) I think that the advertising technique used was celebrity endorsement since the painting is a well-known painting that is used within the ad.


1) I believe that the target audience of this ad is any overweight adults that are in need or wish to lose weight. It’s most likely middle-aged adults that don’t feel good about the way they look or maybe because they’re unhealthy.

2) If I had to choose an emotion that I felt when I first saw this ad was that I was amused by it. It made me laugh because at first I didn’t understand the meaning behind it, but when I did, I definitely had a good laugh about it.

3) Beyond any emotional appeal in the ad, I think that the ad is saying that if you follow this food plan for Weight-Watchers, you will automatically become a skinny and fit person. They are definitely exaggerating their product since not everyone will benefit from it.

4) The intended use for the product is that when the user follows this particular meal plan all the time, they will become fit and skinny, therefore becoming what they believe to be beautiful and accepted.

5) I think that the advertising technique used in this ad is beauty appeal since everyone wants to be beautiful and skinny, so this makes everyone want to ‘fit this door’, therefore making them want to join this organization/start on Weight-Watchers.


1) The targeted audience for this ad is for anyone that is wanting to buy a car to drive. However, I can see younger children liking this ad simply because it involves animals. The appropriate audience for this varies from ages 16 and up (when you can legally drive).

2) If I had to choose an emotion that I felt when I saw this ad, I guess I would have to say that I was happy since I love animals so this definitely appealed to me in a loving way, as well as a funny way because of the comparison of the animals and car parking.

3) Beyond the emotional appeal, I would say that the ad is basically saying that if you buy their product (a car), you will be able to be in complete control of the car and be able to do the simple things with it, including parallel parking which involves a lot of precision and concentration.

4) The intended use of the product is for consumers to buy the car in order to travel places that they wish to travel to. They use the animals as distractions from any flaws that the actual car may have, since it doesn’t show the reader the actual object that they are selling.

5) I think that the advertising techniques used in this ad is the nurturing style. This ad shows both goldfish and a porcupine, making the audience want to get the product just because of the ‘adorableness’ and need to care for the animals because of our natural instincts to protect the ones we love (by driving a safe car).

Near and Dear

These are pictures of my little sister Carina in her not-yet-finished Halloween costume. She is 9 years old and lives with my dad and my stepmom. Even though she is my ‘half’ sister, I just say that she’s my sister because that doesn’t really matter to me. It’s kind of hard having a sister that is so much younger than me since we both have completely different interests. As you can see in the picture, she is basically borderline obsessed with Minecraft and all things related to Minecraft. I, personally, am not that into video games like that. Either way, she is really special and close to me and I’m really glad that she is a part of my life. Without her, I don’t know where I would be now.

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