One day a little boy named Jake went on a fishing trip. When he was on his small little wooden fishing boat he was stunned to see the large fish we had caught. Sooner or later the day would transition to night. Jake was still fishing on his small boat. He was just counting how many fish he had caught that day until something bumped against his boat. Then he heard another bump! Something then clawed against the side and made a hole in the boat. Jake was so focused on the mysterious creature attacking his boat that he forgot to close the lid to his cooler with all the fish inside of it! While the boat was sinking a hand stuck out of the water and Jake heard a scream full of pain! Jake then dived into the water forgetting about the strange creature. When he reached the drowning person he noticed something! Jake looked into the deep ocean water and noticed a jaw wide open with dozens of rows of teeth! It was a trap! The hand was a tongue! Jake then desperately tried to swim back to the sinking boat. Jake knew if he even made it out alive no one would believe his perspective! They wouldn’t even believe his story! Jake tried to climb into his sinking boat and tried to steer it somewhere else but it was submerged in water and wouldn’t move! Jake then got an emergency boat but the tongue that looked like a hand grabbed him and started to pull him underwater! Jack tried to grab onto the last bit of the remaining boat. When Jake thought it was too late another fisherman with a big expensive boat came and saw Jake sinking. The fisherman then tossed Jake a floaty and then helped him up on the boat. When the fisherman gave Jake a towel he then asked him what had happened. Jake then explained to him that a monster with a hand for a tongue. The fisherman did not believe Jake and threw him back into the water. The monster then grabbed Jake around his waist and then slowly took him deep into the water. The monster with hands for a tongue then swallowed Jake! Jake started to pound on the organs of the monster. No matter how hard Jake tried though it was not enough to save him from his doom. Later that week Jake was reported missing and never seen again.