Mr. Ohama's Class Blog

Marion Mix Elementary School

September 10, 2012
by Mr. Jacobs

Elements Report

For your report, you should research your element from several different sources. Some things to include are: What does your element look like? What state is it in at room temperature? Can it take different forms? (for example, carbon can … Continue reading

August 29, 2012
by Mr. Jacobs


This week we’re going to start learning about the periodic table of elements! What’s an element? Well, first we need to know what an atom is. Atoms are the incredibly tiny building blocks of everything around us. But not all … Continue reading

August 28, 2012
by Mr. Ohama

What’s the matter?

The textbook defines matter as anything with mass and volume. If you were to describe matter to someone who doesn’t know what mass and volume are, what would you say matter is? What is your definition of matter?

August 22, 2012
by Mr. Jacobs

Hello Class!

This is our new class blog! Mr. Ohama and Mr. Jacobs will post things here that we think are interesting, or relate to topics we’re learning about in class. You’ll be able to comment on what we post, and post … Continue reading

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