Mike Trout vs. Bryce Harper

I think Mike Trout is a better baseball player than Bryce Harper. First, Mike Trout has 25 Home Runs this season before the All-Star break, while Bryce Harper has 23 Home Runs this season before the All-Star break. Secondly, Mike Trout Hit 1-2  during the All-Star Game, the one hit was a Home run. Bryce harper hit 0-4 during the All-Star Game. Third, Mike Trout has a .310 Batting Average this year so far, while Bryce Harper is .214 in batting average so far this season. Next, Mike Trout has more awards and recognition than bryce harper.


During their careers, Mike Trout has shown that he is also a better player. Mike Trout is a five time Silver Slugger (best hitter at his position), two time M.V.P, Rookie of The Year in 2011, two time All-Star Game M.V.P, has been recognized as a All-Star every season of his career so far, and has been recognized with the Wilson Overall Defensive Player of the Year. Bryce Harper has been a Rookie of the Year in 2012, M.V.P one time, Silver Slugger one time, and has also been recognized as a All-Star ever season of his career so far.


Another reason is Mike Trout has a better WAR (wins above replacement player) than Bryce Harper. If your WAR is higher than 0.0 you are a better than average player if it is lower than 0.0 you are a worse than average player. Mike Trout’s WAR this year so far is 6.8, while Bryce Harper’s WAR so far is 0.0.


All the evidence and statistics that I have listed show that Mike Trout is a better player than Bryce Harper.


Video Game Theft (Part 8)

I ducked. BANG BANG BANG. He shot three times. He shot me in the foot and I tried to crawl away I was yelling, “Mom! Help! Please.”

My mom didn’t hear me. She must have been in the backyard, gardening.

I got up and jumped on one foot to the backyard and yelled, “ Mom, somebody’s outside and he shot through the window and shot my foot!”

My mom replied, “What the? Gun? Foot? We need help now!” I heard the top of the roof crack it sounded like it was going to fall on top of me.

“Mom the roof. It’s going to fall.” I said as the roof crashed down in front of me. It was John he grabbed me. My mom called the police but John let me go and tried to grab her. I heard a key in the door. I thought one of John’s helpers found the code for the lock holding the key inside. Thankfully in was my dad getting home from the Police Department. He saw John and ran towards John. My dad jumped and kicked John in the face.


Video Game Theft (Part 7)

It was a long fight. I just sat at my bench outside of my house and watched the whole fight until John started to run after me. That’s when I jumped up and ran inside of my house. I looked outside by grabbing my blinds and pulling them up. I looked outside. John was trying look through the whole that you look through from the inside to see if I was in front of the door. I looked out the blinds and my P.E. teacher was punching John. John started to punch back. One of John’s friends came and he jumped on my P.E. teacher.

My P.E. teacher made John’s friend flip over under him and then my P.E. teacher or Mrs.Bryce said,“You know it’s not very courteous to hit a girl right?”

John’s friend said,“What does courteous mean?”

Mrs.Bryce mumbled,“Your so stupid.” I just watched wishing I was strong enough to battle too. I saw John at the door. John was about to knock on the door but stopped John looked at me, pulled out a gun and aimed it straght at my head.

Happy Mothers Day!

A special lady

cooks,cleans,cuts hair

A love for flowers


As graceful as a gazelle

Drinking coffe with cookies

Giving presents

to the ones she loves

Now Its time

for me to give the present

Happy Mothers Day

Video Game Theft (Part 6)

I hoped that he didn’t notice that I had the game. I watched him jog away. My home wasn’t that far, so I walked home.

He came running after me and said, “You stole it, didn’t you?” John said

“Of course, I tried to take it back from the person that stole it from me stupid,” I cried

“It’s not yours its boss’s,” John said

“I was the one who bought it,” I frustratedly said

“Boss is the one who sold the game to you,” John cried

“Really, you think I believe you, especially you, when you say the person who I bought it from is Boss,” I said in disbelief

“I’m not lying, I promise you,” John said

“Just stop, leave me alone, please,” I cried

“No, I won’t leave you alone until you give me that game, so hand over the game kid,” John cried

I ran as fast as at could at that time I could run 5.2 miles per hour (8.36859kilometers per hour). I knew this because I got timed with a speed gun at P.E that day. He came after me and I got caught in less than 3 seconds. For some reason I felt a push.

somebody said “Go James” I turned around and it was my P.E teacher. I knew he lived close to me, but I didn’t think she lived 2 houses away from me.

To Be Continued

Video Game Theft ( Part 5 )

I pulled him on the ground. I got on top of him so it was hard for him to breath. I carefully grabbed the game so he would not notice and put it on my pocket.

“Kids these days, so nosey.” he mumbled

“Who’s ‘boss’. Tell me now!” I cried

“Did you hear me you stupid kid? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Trust me…” he said

“I said TELL ME NOW! I will keep you here until you tell me.” I shouted

“How many times do I have to say stupid kid, kid.” he mumbled

He pushed himself off the ground and started running.

I mumbled “Stupid John.”

He turned around and came after me.

“What did you say?” John said

“I said I’m so stupid” I said

“That’s Correct” John said

He ran off running with joy. That’s when he made his first mistake.


To Be Continued

Video Game Theft ( Part 4 )

He said “Who’s boss?”

I said “ Boss, you were talking about boss being happy. Who’s boss?”

He said “I was hired by an olympic marathon runner named John Voy to distract you while he ran away.”

I got up and ran. I was lucky that he really trusted who he hired. He was jogging. I ran after him he heard me 2 steps before I got to him and he sprinted. I hoped he’d slow down because I got kicked in the leg the day before at school. I was extremely slow I felt like I had a peg leg. He was about 20 steps in front of me when I gave up. I was still wondering who ¨boss¨ was that’s when I got hit in the shoulder. It was John Voy. I leaped to trying to get him. I leaped about three feet but I got his jacket, my feet were dragging on the ground. I moved my hand to his arm. I grabbed his arm and pushed off the ground to get in front of him.

John yelled, “Get off of me you stupid kid”

“GIVE ME THE GAME!” I cried.

“YOU ARE A BRAT!” John yelled.

“WHOS ‘BOSS’?” I screamed at the top of my lungs.


“TELL ME NOW!” I cried.

To Be Continued

Two Peas in a Pod


My dad and I have a lot in common. First of all, both my dad and I  play basketball and baseball. When we play baseball or basketball my dad  can help me if I have trouble. Secondly, when my dad was a kid he was really hard on himself like I am now. When I play baseball If I hit a 214 foot hit I get really mad at myself. When my dad played baseball or basketball it was similar. Thirdly, my dad and I both like 80s music. When my dad and I are in the car we will listen to 80s music.


Although we’re a lot in alike, we have several differences. First of all, my dad likes guacamole on the other hand I don’t like guacamole. So if we are eating tortilla chips my dad will dip his chip in guacamole if we have guacamole. Secondly, my dad likes vegetables, but I do not. When we eat dinner my dad most likely has vegetables that he is eating. Thirdly, my dad never plays video games, but I play video games more often. When I play video games I ask my dad If he wants to play but he always says no. As you can see, my dad and I have a lot in common, but we respect each others differences.

Video Game Theft (Part 3)

I was sitting in my living room. I thought that I should play the game. It was so boring. I don’t know how I even liked it at age 6. The game was about going to space and feeding people from different planets with food from Earth.  I like games that are E for everyone, but Not kiddy and childish games like this one. I went to my treehouse and looked for the Olympic marathon runner outside. He wasn’t there, but I expected him to come back the next day so I threw the boring game, Spaceness Food in the trash, so he could get Spaceness Food, which would give me a chance to start running after him. But I was at an advantage. I would stay in my treehouse. My treehouse has a bridge that would allow me to run across and jump on him. If I jumped and missed then I have to run for my identity not to get stolen. The next day, I went to my treehouse at 8:00 A.M and I saw him jog to the garbage at 9:53 A.M. Just then, he grabbed the game and thought he was fine so he started walking, but little did he know, I was in me treehouse.

I heard him say, “That kid isn’t here, that means Boss will be very happy.” I wondered who “Boss” was and why he would be after me. I started running. He heard the footsteps and started running too. I leaped off the wall and landed on his shoulders I flipped him over with my legs like a WWE wrestler would do when he gets on top of the corner part of the ring and jump off. The good thing was that there was a mat on the ground so he didn’t get hurt too badly, but he deserved it for trying to steal the game for “Boss.”

I whispered in his ear, “Who’s Boss?” He didn’t reply.

To Be Continued