A New Computer Game

I was just playing a new computer game about baseball. The regular season was not long at all. I got to the playoffs and won the first round in a five-game series (that means first team to get to 3 wins advances) against the Miami Marlins. My team is the San Francisco Giants. I won the first game, but lost the next two so I had to win the next two to move on and play the next team, which I did. My best infielder was Robinson Cano, my best outfielder was Mike Trout, and my best pitcher was Jacob Degrom. Robinson Cano was my best infielder because he made many great plays and hit a couple home runs. My best outfielder was Mike Trout because he hit home runs and made many amazing plays. My best pitcher was Jacob Degrom because he got many k’s (that means strikeouts) and he let almost zero runs score.  Now I need to beat the Milwaukee Brewers in a seven-game series (that means first to get to four wins) to go to the World Series. I really hope I can beat the Milwaukee Brewers and go to the World Series and win.

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