My Spring Break Plans

Spring break is here! I’m most excited to have sunny days again. I mostly want to be able to play my favorite sport baseball. I would also like to make up my own sport. If and when I do that I will post the rules and name of the sport on a new page, so stay notified. I will most likely have a great time and when it is all over I will feel like it was only three days. This was a very short post, but I will have longer ones soon.

Why is Raymond Case a Great School

Why is Raymond Case a great school?  Schools are a place for people to get educated.  Raymond case is a great school because of sports, staff, and field trips.

The  first reason Raymond case is a great school because of sports. Sports allow kids to get the exercise they need for each day. They get the exercise  because kids run in track, run up and down the court in basketball and in volleyball you have to jump. There are also a variety of sports at Raymond case, such as basketball ,volleyball, and the track team. Last, it can help you make friends. These show how sports are needed in school.These examples show that sports are great to have in schools. Some may say sports are not important for a school, but I still think sports are important for a great school.

The Second reason Raymond Case is a great school is because of the staff. The staff greets us in the morning, supports us, and they stay positive throughout  the day. When they greet us in the morning they get us happy and not so grumpy in the early morning. They support us by helping us understand what they are teaching us in detail when we don’t understand. Lastly, they stay positive throughout the day doing this helps us stay happy when we had a bad morning. These show how our staff can help kids throughout the day. Many may say the staff is not important to a school, but I still think it is important to a school.

The last reason, Raymond Case is a great school is because of field trips. First, keeps us less bored in class. Field trips keep us less bored in class by traveling to somewhere fun out of school that still help us learn. Second, we can learn outside of the classroom. We learn outside of the classroom by going somewhere and we get to hear a different teacher teach. Last, you can go to places you didn’t know about previous. You can do this then if we had fun there we can ask our parents to go together as a family. These show field trips can be very helpful to students. Others may think field trips do not help a student, but I still think it can be very helpful to students.

Raymond Case is a great school because of sports, staff, and field trips. I hope you go to Raymond Case.


Have you ever thought about an ecosystem? An ecosystem needs plants, animals, bacteria, mushrooms, sunlight, water, air, and a good temperature. The five types of ecosystems are ocean, desert, wetland, arctic tundra, and a forest. Ecosystems have food chains these food chains keep the ecosystem together because if an animal eats something from the bottom of the food chain than another thing doesn’t get as much food as it need wich means some of that animal die which might cause the whole food chain get off balance. That’s why something at the top of the food chain eats another thing from the top of the food chain and something from the bottom of the food chain needs to eat something else from the bottom of the food chain. We should protect all ecosystems because if we don’t animals might go extinct. The trees we need paper at school and at everyday jobs if we don’t have trees we will also slowly die. We would slowly die because trees breathe in carbon dioxide which is bad for us and breathe out oxygen which we need to survive. Without ecosystems we would not be living today.



Bryce Harper vs Mike Trout

After the year 2018 has ended Mike Trout has a 10.2 wins above replacement, .312 batting average, 39 home runs, 24 stolen bases 101 runs, 79 runs batted in, 147 hits in 471 at bats, .460 on base percentage,  .628 slugging percentage,and a on base plus slugging percentage of 1.088. Bryce Harper has a 1.3 wins above replacement, .249 batting average, 34 home runs, 13 stolen bases, 100 runs batted in, 103 runs, 137 hits in 550 at bats, .393 on base percentage, .496 slugging percentage, and a .889 on base plus slugging percentage. You can see based off of these stats Mike Trout was a better player than Bryce Harper in 2018.

Family Holiday

My family celebrates Christmas. Christmas is in December. We celebrate the most on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Throughout the month we use advent calendars. Advent calendars have chocolates in them each day we open one day and get a chocolate on that day. December 24 is the day with the biggest chocolate. In November my brother and I make Christmas lists and mail them to Santa. We don’t  wear costumes but my dog does. We celebrate on Christmas eve with my cousins, my family, my aunt and uncle, and my grandma. My mom buys gifts for the stockings. She makes one for all of the kids. While the kids open their presents in the stockings the adults enjoy watching and making conversation with each other. On Christmas day my brother and I open the presents we got from Santa. Then after we open our presents we use them. After that we go to my grandma’s house and our aunt and uncle come. Usually we watch a movie. We always watch the new Star Wars movie when they come out. If there isn’t a new Star Wars movie then we enjoy the day and have chocolates. My grandma hides little chocolates in her tree. My family enjoys celebrating holidays like Christmas.

Onomatopoeia Halloween Writing

On a dark and gloomy Halloween night Jack was trick-or-treating. All of a sudden he heard a pow. Jack got so scared he started running away. Crunch as he ran on the leaves.  Squish while he ran on the mud then Jack slipped on a clump of mud and squish as he plopped on the mud. He heard chatter as people laughed at him. He got up and sloshed in the mud on his way out his wrestler Halloween costume was ruined with squishy mud. Jack went to a house and ding-dong as he rang the doorbell. When Jack got home he had a huge bag of crunchy, chewy, and gooey candy.
The End

Facts about the Sun

There are many fascinating facts about the sun. One interesting fact is, the sun is five billion years old. Another fact is, the corona extends for millions of miles. Also, the sun is 93 million miles away from the earth. Another intriguing fact is, the sun is 91% hydrogen, 8.9% helium ,and 0.1% heavier elements. The last captivating fact is, the sun is 99.8% of the mass in the solar system. One question I still have is when the sun becomes a white star will planets still orbit the white star?


How to comment on a Blog Post

Hello, when commenting on my blog and other people’s blogs, you need to  follow these simple rules:

First of all, you need to capitalize the start of a sentence and proper nouns.

Secondly, you need proper punctuation.  If you are excited, then end with a exclamation mark if you want to sound more excited. Have only one exclamation mark.

Thirdly, you need correct spelling. If you want to spell check then ask your teacher or parent/guardian to help you spell that word or words.

Next, Make a connection if somebody writes about something you like. For example, they write about the Statue of Liberty and you have seen the Statue of Liberty. Then say you went there and maybe give more factual information about the Statue of Liberty that the writer may have left out.

Lastly, suggest something  if you think they should have a different title or maybe you think they should do something with the story.


Naritive Writing

I’m a sculptor and I want to build a monument in Sierra Nevada for a little boy named Bryce Trout. Bryce Trout lives in Elk Grove and is ten years old. He saved an old skinny lady from a fire because he felt bad for cheating in a game of poker with her.

I will have to get money from the the U.S government to pay for this , but they don’t want to pay for it so I will get money from donations and I will have people see the sculpture before it is finished to get money. I will first make a plaster model to get the correct measurements. I have to hire workers to help me build this monument. I will need to get jackhammers, dynamite, ropes, lasers, bulldozers,  trucks, and jet torch. I will have to hire drillers and dynamite experts

I asked my friend Steve but he replied, “ I can’t this week sorry Joe.”

“ So next week to once its done,” I begged

“ fine but I need to have some breaks” Steve responded

“ don’t worry about breaks I just need you because you’re a dynamite expert so you will get long breaks,” I explained

“ Great see you next week,” Steve cheered

Next I will have to find at least twenty drillers. I’m going to call my agent and tell him to get me twenty drillers.

“ Hey, can you get me twenty drillers,” I asked

“ Of course,” my agent replied

Finally, I have enough money and workers to get the monument started. I will have to Multiply each inch of my plaster model by twelve  to get the amount of feet for the monument. I will start on January seventh and it will probably take one year.

As Korczak Ziolkowski always stated, “Go slowly so you do it right” In the first, week  Steve used dynamite to blow of rocks we don’t need and put the rocks in trucks to haul them away. I talked to a driller named Mike and they all thought that we should make Bryce Trout holding her in his hands and I thought that was a good Idea so I’m going to do that instead of him standing next to her.

Six months later we were half-way done and you could see Bryce, but you couldn’t see the old lady yet. Once it was done we had a ribbon cutting ceremony. When we finished I gave Bryce Mike a tour of the model up close and I was in the news paper. The monument is a hit success and all the money will be going to charity many different charities.


Video Game Theft (Part 9)

My dad ducked.  John shot and it barely hit my dad in the hand. He was bleeding ,but my dad got up and punched John in the face. I ran to my room and got my baseball bat. John had a bloody nose. I ran out and swung it at John as hard as I could, but John knew it was coming so he dodged it by falling to the floor. I dropped my bat. He pointed his gun at me, but I stepped on the hand that had the gun.

John yelled,“Gosh dang it you stupid kid.” I grabbed the gun.

He screamed,“No!” My dog came out from my tree house and peed on John. John got up and tackled me. I fell, while my dog bit John in the ear. I threw the gun to my mom. She grabbed it and pointed it at John.

She said,“Now who has the gun?” John got up and I grabbed my bat. John was going to tackle my mom, but I kicked him in the legs. He fell down and I sat on him. My dad handcuffed him and took him to jail, but six months later John broke out of jail. Ten hours after he broke out I heard my dog barking.