Article Answers to Questions
- The article I read was “Kindness Breeds More Kindness” and the author of the article was Brandon Keim. It talks about how kindness can really make someone’s day and each act of kindness can really impact multiple people’s lives.
- They have found the spread of obesity, loneliness, happiness, and all come from acts of kindness because of how they treat people and how those acts of kindness can really change people’s lives.
- The article convinced me that the acts of kindness come from the person’s heart. If you want to be kind, that’s great, but if you don’t then karma will hit you back. The good you do the good you get back. Kindness is the little thing that makes a big difference.
- I read an article about a guy named Stewart who dressed up as Santa and always gave random people money. He passed away in 2007, but his legacy was passed on to the other people who continued to do it. He went from poor to being a millionaire because of his act of kindness. The people were really thankful for him and his kindness.