Tuesday Homework
Spelling:12 sentences
Reading:”Racing for the yellow jersey”
Science: Page 4 Optional
P.S ~ We do not have math so you can go over the review test
Spelling:12 sentences
Reading:”Racing for the yellow jersey”
Science: Page 4 Optional
P.S ~ We do not have math so you can go over the review test
Math:S&P 4.12 pg, 85 – 86
Spelling: ABC order
Reading:” A mail from overseas”
p.s ~ were going of track on friday
math: 4.8, pg 77-78
spelling 3 times each
read:” seeing the world through different eyes”
Math: 4.7 pg 75-76
spelling activity page
reading: finish s.n do page8
Math: S&p 3.4 pages 53-54
Spelling; 12 sentences
Reading: To market, To market
Math: S&P 3.3 page 51-52
Spelling: ABC order
Reading: Applecreek Orchard
Math: S&P 3.1, pages 47-48
Spelling: 3 time each
Reading: ”Soccer’s Newest Star”
Reading: Quick feet and a big heart
Write: Write a paragraph about our field trip today
Spelling: 12 sentences
Reading:” What glaciers leave behind”
Math: Show what you know page 103-104
Math: Finish Review pages 97-102
Spelling: ABC order
Reading: Y.T pages 33-35