Thursday Homework
Math:S&P 10.5,pg 179-180
Spelling: 3 x Each
Reading: ”E mail Advice”
Math:S&P 10.5,pg 179-180
Spelling: 3 x Each
Reading: ”E mail Advice”
Math:S&P 1o.4,pg 177-178
Spelling: Forward and backward
Reading: ”The World Underwater”
Math:S&P 10.3,pg 175 176
spelling 12 sentences
Read:”The Wright Stuff”
Math: W.S
Spelling: 3 times each
Read: “Flood of the Century”
Math finish practice test
Spelling w.s.
read flood watch
Math pg 167 168
Spelling 12 sentences
Grammar : Proofread w.s.
math 9.6 pg 165 166
spelling ABC order
read “Sink or Swim”
Math: S and P 7.8 pg. 135-136 even# only.
Spelling: A B C order.
Read: A family decision
Math Study for math test
Spelling 3 times each
Read Nuwa Fixed the Sky
Math S and P 6.8 117-118
Spelling 12 sentences
Read Chinese New Year