Students will be given their student number and eGrades PIN (not the same as the lunch PIN). Follow this link and enter your child’s student ID number and PIN to get grades for each subject. Not that the grades will only be updated every two weeks at the most. You will know how current the grades are based on the date in the upper right corner of the page. This link will give a complete listing of all assignments and the grades earned in the class by subject. A printout of the overall grade in each subject will be sent home twice per trimester, in addition to the end of trimester report card. If you have trouble accessing the grades online, be sure to have updated your Internet browser and your Java software.
Grading Policy
Graded assignments and classwork will be sent home weekly. Parents can keep graded work It is recommended to save all the work at home during the trimester in case a question about grades arises. Assignments that do not have a number grade (such as 9/10) were for practice only, and are credit/no credit. Homework is also credit/no credit and is used for practice to prepare for in class assessments.
Grading Scale:
A: 90% -1 00%
B: 80% – 89%
C: 70% – 79%
D: 60% – 69%
F: 59% and below
I do not always write letter grades on assignments. To find the letter grade equivalent, divide the top number by the bottom number and multiply by 100 (i.e. 9/10 = 0.9 0.9 x 100 = 90%, A is the letter grade equivalent.)
i love my 4 grade teacher she is helpful,fun,and an awsome teacher
Thank you! 🙂
Thank you ms.obrien four making these few weeks of school cool!