Ms. O'Brien's Classroom Blog

…adventures in Fourth grade…

Salmon Alert Update!



We will be getting our salmon eggs this Wednesday, Nov. 7.  Yay!! We will be releasing them in January, most likely at Discovery Park.

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12 Comments to

“Salmon Alert Update!”

  1. November 4th, 2012 at 6:35 am      Reply prayer Says:

    where did the people that are delivering the salmon get the salmon from and do all fish have back bones

    • November 6th, 2012 at 10:28 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      Hi Prayer,
      The first answer is kind of long but here goes. The salmon eggs come from the hatchery near Redding on the Sacramento River. The Department of Fish and Game, allows the California Flyfishers Unlimited (our sponsor group) to deliver the eggs to us. We also have a permit from Fish and Game that allows us to keep the eggs and release them back into the river. Legally the eggs belong to the State of California, but we are allowed to raise them.
      The second answer is yes, all true “fish” have backbones. There are some animals that are not true “fish”, like sharks, that don’t even have bones. They have cartilage instead. Cartilage is stiff stuff but not hard like bones are. We have it in our noses and our ears.

  2. November 7th, 2012 at 7:46 am      Reply prayer Says:

    how long does it take a salmon to become a dry because it seems like a long time

    • November 8th, 2012 at 7:01 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      By the time we come back on track in January, they will be fry. so it takes about 3 weeks after they hatch to become fry.

  3. November 8th, 2012 at 11:32 am      Reply prayer Says:

    ok but if its after three weeks are they still fry?

  4. November 9th, 2012 at 8:40 am      Reply prayer Says:

    ok are we going to have another fish and if we are what is the name of the fish and are they different from salmon?

    • November 10th, 2012 at 7:33 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      Yes, we are going to get steelhead later in the spring. They are similar to salmon and are in the same family of fish.

  5. November 13th, 2012 at 2:08 am      Reply prayer Says:

    but do they have a different life cycle then the salmon because all i know is that steelheads have wait,if its caled steelhead does that mean they realy have steel a head or it means they just ave a sharp head ?

    • November 14th, 2012 at 12:35 pm      Reply msobrien Says:

      Steelhead have the same life cycle as the salmon, EXCEPT they can spawn for several years. Salmon spawn only once, and then they die. Steelhead are named because they are shiny silver and look like they are made of steel.

  6. November 17th, 2012 at 9:25 am      Reply prayer Says:

    wow,fish are amazing so i think i know that not all fish have the same life cycle but i do have this question if not all fish have the same life cycle i meen like i know all fish have to spawn but like do some fish like after they spawn do they die becauseand i also have this question are salmon and steel head the only fish who spawn then die

    • November 17th, 2012 at 11:34 am      Reply msobrien Says:

      Salmon are the only fish that I know of that spawn once then die. Other fish, including steelhead, can spawn several times, sometimes for several years.

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