Google Classroom/Zoom Meeting

Good morning, parents!

I hope that all of you are doing well and staying healthy and sane during this time.  As many of you know (or should know by now), I am a planner.  Not knowing what distance  learning is supposed to look like and not having structure, is causing me a wee bit of anxiety.  I went and purchased a document camera for home (LOL) so that I can display anything that I want my students to see.   I want my students to have the best experience possible during this time.  With that being said, many of our assignments are going to be given on Google Classroom and I need to input parent/guardian email addresses so that you can also get notification of the assignments.  If you only want to have 1 parent/guardian receive notification, please let me know, otherwise all email addresses will be entered.  I plan to start this task tomorrow, so please let me know before then.  I’m trying to get everything set up and ready to go by Monday, 4/20.  Also, we will be doing Discover CA presentations the first week we are back together in Zoom.  I would like to have a Zoom meet-up on Monday, 3/30 (our original return date) to see all of your children’s beautiful faces.  I’ll schedule it for 11:00 am and hopefully they’ll all be up.  If your child can make it, that would be great. I’ll begin the meeting about 15 minutes before so that students have time to get on and then I can assist any others who may need it.  Until then, please take take and tell your children that I look forward to seeing them on Monday.

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