Weekly Report & Wax Museum

Just a heads up, there is no weekly report this week.

I took a hard fall on Monday which has set me behind on a few things such as the class blog and the weekly report. Instead, I sent home progress reports and make up work notices on Tuesday.

Most students have returned these to me already .

Tomorrow is our last day of the wax museum project. Please send students to school with their costumes one last time.

Tonight they should be  practicing their monologues and be ready to present it WITHOUT NOTE CARDS.

It should be at least 1 minute long and students need to practice speaking louder and slower.

Friday is our class party. Student have already started bringing in their salty and sweet treats! It is going to be a blast!

Personal Reading Log

Students should be reading 30 minutes every day.  Each day they should also be keeping track off what they read with a personal reading log. They may type their responses if they want. An example of how the reading log is formatted can be seen below.

This will come to schoool every day in their homework folder and will be checked daily and turned in on Fridays.

Personal Reading Log Format:


Title of Book     Author         Pages Read

” Pick a Quote”

I chose this quote because ….. (Write 2-3 sentences about the quote you chose.)




Big Nate: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?  by Lincoln Pierce Pg 1-15

” ‘ Thank you for the leftover necco wafers, Nate.’ ‘They’re banana. I don’t really like the banana ones.’ ” (pg 12).

I chose this quote because I thought it was funny that Nate gave leftover candy to his teacher instead of giving her a thank you card.  I can relate to Nate because I don’t like banana flavored candy either.