- Read 30 min
Spelling (Test Friday)
- Practice Quiz signed
- PB 245 ALL IB
Story of My Life – Take notes and fill a page with information on the following
- Secret Wish:What is something your really want? To be able to fly? To go on an adventure? Why do you wish for this to happen?
- Favorite Writing: What is your favorite book, or quote, or poem, or song? Why do you like it? How often to you read it?
- Greatest Accomplishment: What is something that you are the most proud of doing? Why are you proud of it? Was it easy/difficult?
- Most Prized Posssession: What is it? Where did you get iot? Was it a gift? why is it special? Where do you keep it?
Social Studies
- None
- None
- Strikes Permission Slips
- Weekly Reports went home today but are not due until next week!