Spelling Extra Credit

Any messy or sloppy work will not be accepted.

No late work will be accepted. 

Any misspelled words will make the whole assignment worth 0 points!

Word Practice Sentence
1 yearn He would yearn to see his homeland once again.
2 unpleasant The humidity made the air feel unpleasant.
3 supervised Will the games be supervised?
4 chicken I like to have a biscuit with my chicken.
5 really Do you really want to go now?
6 reusable Plastic bags are reusable or can be recycled.
7 concentrate Is it hard to concentrate sometimes.
8 semisweet I love semisweet chocolate.
9 induction The induction ceremony went quickly.
10 microbe A microbe has to be seen through a microscope.
11 believe Do you believe me?
12 acclaim The film was met with critical acclaim.
13 administration The school administration will hire new teachers.
14 special There is a special place for you in my heart.
15 capital The capital of Michigan is Lansing.
16 adapt Have you been able to adapt to this climate?
17 proposition She had a proposition for everyone.
18 expenditure The large expenditure could not be justified.
19 distinct I can hear a distinct accent when you speak.
20 individualized We need an individualized learning strategy.
21 astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon.
22 implicated He’s been implicated in the robbery.

Use the list above to do any of the following assignments below for extra credit. Each assignment must be clearly titled.

Stacking =  3 Points

ABC Order  = 2 Points

Sentences = 3 Points

Circle Vowels = 2 Points


Writing Extra Credit

Writing Extra Credit

The report is worth up to 10 points.

Any messy or sloppy work will not be accepted.

No late work will be accepted. 

Must be in paragraph form and written at a 6th grade level of writing!


Write a compare and contrast essay about Spring Break. Use any of the following prompts .


1) What you wanted to do for spring break and what you were able to do.

2) The Best Spring Break and the Worst Spring Break

3) Doing a fun activity for Spring Break or  staying home for spring break.

* This does not have to be a true story it can be fiction!


Paragraph 1  = Introduction 

  • Introduce the prompt you chose.

Paragraph 2 =  Body Paragraph

  • Compare the two  topics from your prompt.

Paragraph 3  = Conclusion 

  • Summarize what you said and end with a strong conclusion statement!


Science Extra Credit


Science EC (Click here for a printable version)

Science Extra Credit 

The report is worth up to 10 points.

Any messy or sloppy work will not be accepted.

No late work will be accepted. 

Must be in paragraph form and written at a 6th grade level of writing!




Name:                                                                                                                                                             #



Mythbusters Extra Credit

Step 1: Find an example of the Scientific Method.

Step 2: Record observations and fill in this worksheet.


  1. What was your example? ____________________________________________


  1. What happened?






  1. What was the question that  was being  answered?




  1. Hypothesis

(If then” statement” .For example If we jump then we will rise up in the air. )




  1. What materials were used?






  1. What were the procedures for the experiment?








  1. What did you learn?






Reading Extra Credit

 Extra Credit for Reading (Click here for a printable version)

Extra Credit for Reading

 The String Section (362-363)                              The Woodwind Section (366-369)

The Brass Section (370-373)                    The Percussion Section (374- -375)

                           * Instruments of the World (380-381)

Step 1: Pick one of the sections above to write a report.

Step 2: Follow the Outline and write a report on that section.

Step 3: Turn in the Report by Tuesday April 22 (The Tuesday we return from Spring Break)


The report is worth up to 10 points.

Any messy or sloppy work will not be accepted.

No late work will be accepted. 

Must be in paragraph form and written at a 6th grade level of writing!



Orchestra Report Outline

Paragraph 1: Summarize what the section is about from your open court text book.


Be sure to include:

  • What kind of instruments are in this section?
  • Where does the section sit in an orchestra?
  • Any important details from the section.


Paragraph 2: Pick an instrument from the section and do additional research.


Be sure to include:

  • Why you chose the instrument.
  • A well know musician or band that uses the instrument.
  • How is the instrument made.  (Or) What is the instrument made of.

Paragraph 3: Write your opinion about learning to play the instrument you chose.


Be sure to include:

  • Do you want to learn to play the instrument? Why or why not?
  • What do you like or not like about the instrument?

Picture:Draw, copy, print or trace a picture of the instrument you chose and add it to the report.



Quick Writes DUE FRIDAY APRIL 11


Quick Write

Tuesday February 25, 2014

Tell about a time when you did something which you found difficult, but had to do it because it was the right and moral way to go.


Quick Write

Thursday February 27, 2014

What would you do if you were teacher for a day?


Quick Write

Friday  February 28, 2014

List indoor PE activities

Quick Write

Monday March 3, 2014

Tell about your favorite springtime memory.

Quick Write

Tuesday March 4, 2014

What is your opinion on stealing? Why?

Quick Write

Monday, March 10, 2014

How do you study for terms that have similar descriptions but different meanings?

Quick Write

Tuesday March 11, 2014

Ranofer was faced with taking the wineskin with the gold and helping to steal for his brother.  He did not want to steal, but he had very few choices. What would you have done if you were in his position?

Quick Write

Monday  March 17, 2014

Write a story about a leprechaun.

Quick Write

Thursday  March 20, 2014

List as many compounds words as you can.


  1. lifetime
  2. railroad
  3. railroads


Quick Write

Monday, April 7, 2014

If you lived in the time of Ancient Egypt and believed that you would have 3,000 years in the afterlife.


What items would you want in your tomb and why?