Homework Wednesday 4/30


  • Read 30 min
  • No Reading Logs THIS WEEK

Spelling (Test Friday)

  • Stacking 1-10

Math (Chapter Test moved to Tuesday)

  • PB 235 #2-5  SP

Use the information from the data sets to create a T chart showing the mean, median, and mode with the outlier and without the outlier. Wrtie two sentences for each data set telling how the outlier effects the data.



  • College Board and Costume Approval Due Friday

Social Studies (  Section 3 Quiz moved to Friday )

  • None

Science ( Section 2 Quiz Tomorrow)

  • Finish Sec 2 Review (TB 479 #1-9)
  • Quiz tomorrow will focus on: Review questions, key terms, and percentages listed in the book


  • Keep an Eye on College Dates
  • Promotion Speeches due Friday (optional)
  • Weekly Report due Thursday
  • Strikes Permission Slips

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