Science Extra Credit


Science EC (Click here for a printable version)

Science Extra Credit 

The report is worth up to 10 points.

Any messy or sloppy work will not be accepted.

No late work will be accepted. 

Must be in paragraph form and written at a 6th grade level of writing!




Name:                                                                                                                                                             #



Mythbusters Extra Credit

Step 1: Find an example of the Scientific Method.

Step 2: Record observations and fill in this worksheet.


  1. What was your example? ____________________________________________


  1. What happened?






  1. What was the question that  was being  answered?




  1. Hypothesis

(If then” statement” .For example If we jump then we will rise up in the air. )




  1. What materials were used?






  1. What were the procedures for the experiment?








  1. What did you learn?






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