Play Vs. Movie




Movie Vs. Play (Summary)


  • Black and white beginning and then it had color.
  • Lots of singing
  • Dancing
  • Special effects were good.
    • Twister
    • Scenery
    • Talking Oz
    • Witch with FIRE!!!!
    • Lightning
    • Cowardly lion was funny (aka BOSS)
    • Tin man could tilt
    • Average movie watching experience.
    • Difficult to hear everything
    • Scarecrow was brave and smart
    • I liked the dog


  • Audience was brought on stage
  • Dog changed from stuffed animal to a real person
  • The house and twister props weren’t what I expected
  • Props were odd sizes
  • Flying monkeys wore roller skates
  • Giant Oz face
  • Oz flying in his balloon
  • Scare crow was hilarious when he danced and cried
  • Lions voice was funny because it sounded like the movie
  • Witches laugh
  • Witch reminded me of someone else
  • Facial expressions of actor

         This week I was able to watch “The Wizard of Oz” on DVD and as a play.  Of these two experiences I enjoyed the ___________________ more.  I liked the ___________ more because_____________________________________________________.  These two experiences had many similarities and differences.

          Two ways they were similar ______________________ and __________. In the movie I saw ___________________ and in the play I saw__________________________________.  The play and movie also had ____________________________________. I liked ______________more.

         Two ways they were different

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